Publishing on the IndieWeb Level 2

1. Mark up your content (Profile, Notes, Articles, etc…) with microformats2

Other humans can already understand your profile information and the things you post on your site. By adding a few simple class names to your HTML, other people’s software can understand it and use it for things like reply contexts, cross-site comments, event RSVPs, and more.

Check your homepage h-card:


This representative h-card was found on your site:

Johan Bové




A Web Developer in Hyperspace Hi and welcome to my personal home page. As I wanted to stay in charge of my online presence I made this site to share relevant information about myself. You can find my contact information here and links to my other sites, as well as some notes and posts I wanted to publish. I also keep a Known site through which from time-to-time I try to share something interesting on the World Wide Web. Five Facts About Me Since November 2016, I work as a front-end developer and senior consultant at Deloitte Digital in Düsseldorf, Germany. I am happily married to Erica. We are the proud parents of the wonderful Nathan. I bike to work whenever I can, even when it rains. I love to learn about new technology, especially Internet and Web-related innovations. I like sci-fi movies and books but read mostly non-fictional literature and articles. My work introduction Throughout my career as a web developer I have gathered relevant and hands-on professional experience building performant Web sites and Web applications. People I worked with have called me an expert in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, with which I know how to build complex, scalable browser applications. When creating web applications, I take special consideration for security, accessibility and performance optimization. Current interests A selection of systems and technologies I am currently interested in: Earthstar Project, Hypercore protocol, IPFS, IndieWeb, Intrinsic Web Design, JamStack, ManyVerse, Secure Scuttlebutt, TypeScript, Web 3.0, re-decentralization,...

Email address


Unique identifier


See the full list of h-card properties.

Want to be able to use h-card data in your code? Check out the open-source implementations.

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