Check your posts (notes, articles, etc.) are marked up with h-entry:


We found the following post h-entry on your site:


Add a photo!

<img class="u-photo" src="…" />



Add some content! <p class="e-content">…



Syndicated Copies

Add URLs of POSSEd copies!

<a rel="syndication" class="u-syndication" href="…">…</a>


Add some categories! <a class="p-category" href="…">…</a>

Your h-entries should have, at minimum, the following properties:

  • e-content — the main content of the post
  • p-name — if your post is an article with a name, use this classname.
  • dt-published — the datetime the post was published at, in ISO8601 format, with a timezone
  • u-url — the canonical URL of the post, especially important on pages listing multiple posts

It’s a common convention for the published datetime to be a link to the post itself, but they can be separate if you want.

There should also be some way to discover the author of the post — either link to your homepage (which should have your h-card on it) from anywhere within the body of the page with rel=author, or optionally embed a p-author h-card in the h-entry.

The web is an expressive medium, and as such there are many other properties which you can add to your posts. Check out the h-entry documentation for a full list.

Want to be able to use h-entry data in your code? Check out the open-source implementations.

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